

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Brother, the Writer.

Hey pic junkies, Aaron here!

I'm happy to introduce my twin brother Jason as an author on the blog now! He's got some pretty awesome poetry and short stories that I like to pair with my photos on occasion, so he'll be posting some entries on here now. He'll still share my photos and on top of that, he can get some of his work out into the interwebz as well. So yeah. Look forward to that in the future!

I'm going to leave you with a picture of the sunset Jason took on the way home from the beach. For a phone pic, it's not that bad.

...and as always, thanks for reading.

--Aaron F.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Mentor With a Colored Past

Hey, pic junkies! I've got something really cool, and really awesome to show you today! I'll be talking about how I got interested in photography, my past experiences, and someone very dear to me. Hit the jump to find out what it is!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Glare, Flare, and Shadows #2

Here's the second installment of the self-explanatory "Glare, Flare, and Shadows" series of posts...

I love these photos.

Hit the jump for more!

Horror Films and More Coastline

First off, this post is less photography related and more me-and-my-photography-business related. Don't fret, though, I've got some goodies for you photo junkies near the end. Hit the jump for more.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Glare, Flare, and Shadows #1

As I have been going through SD cards and flashdrives full of photos from class, I noticed something:

I really like backlit stuff.

Hit the jump for more.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sky, Meet Coast.

Still going through those photos I took last week. Between those and the new ones I've taken this week, I have way more content than I had originally thought! So, if I get enough time, I'll definitely upload as many of the awesome ones as I can!

Also, I've just gotten an Instagram! So now you can see all the sweet stuff I take "on-the-go" with my phone camera. You can follow me @ForgottenColors. The quality of photos my phone camera takes isn't the best, but it's good enough. And of course, I can cheat and use Instagram's in-app filters and such to make even crumby-ish pics turn out great.If you don't do the whole Instagram thing, don't you worry: the best photos will make it on here, too.

Anyway, enjoy these awesome shots I took last week at the beach/pier, after the jump.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Playing With WATER

Hi whatever readers I have! (Glad you're here, btw!)

Here are some more of those awesome shots I took last week. These are some of a water fountain I was messing around with. I really like the way the water distorts the background behind it.

Hit the jump for more!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

School Sun

Hey there.

So! This past week has been busy...especially in my Digital Photo class. I have so many awesome shots, I don't even know where to begin! But, I've been going through them (slowly) and I found a couple I really like. I took these (again) in the morning, so the sun hits everything really nicely. Check 'em out after the jump:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hey Internet.

Hold on to your seatbelts, folks, because this is gonna be...