

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Horror Films and More Coastline

First off, this post is less photography related and more me-and-my-photography-business related. Don't fret, though, I've got some goodies for you photo junkies near the end. Hit the jump for more.

Man, has it been a busy week! I'm officially overloaded with photos – so i'm sorry if I don't fulfill my original promise of uploading all of the awesome ones I took over the past few weeks. There are just way to many to go through, so I'll probably just upload them as I go along.

As for my Instagram (@ForgottenColors), I've been trying to keep up, but I mostly just end up taking sunset photos. The sky has been looking really awesome lately, I just haven't been able to get out and take photos any time other than during class.

Speaking of which, why am I so busy? Well, in my introductory post, I mentioned that I do a little more than just photography. I mean, I love photography, but I keep myself occupied otherwise. Aside from the usual school and job business, I also like to watch movies. And I don't just mean recreationally. Cinema studies and critiquing film is something I love to do in my free time. The most recent film I watched was some low-budget indie film about a guy returning to his home town, only to find it radically different from what he remembered. I can't remember the name, but it was made by a college student and apparently gained notoriety because of it's high quality. Personally, I found it pretty standard film-student fare - no idea why everyone loves it so much.

Included poster for one of the films.

I also recently got sent a box of old horror films from a former teacher of mine, who taught high-school level Cinema Studies. She doesn't like horror all too much, so she gave them to me, hoping I'd like them. I myself am not a huge horror fan, but these old VHS tapes sure look interesting. What's even better is that I don't recognize any of the actors/actresses listed. Not even the studio is turning up any search results on the godly Google. Usually unlisted films are low-budget and horrible, but I have a good feeling about these. If I get around to watching them during the daytime, I'll toss up some reviews here on the blog.

So back to  photography...remember when I promised you some pics? Well here are some I took yesterday while I was at the beach/pier with my friends. Enjoy!

...and as always, thanks for reading.

--Aaron F.

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